Contact Us..

We are always interested in comments, suggestions, and ideas. Anyone can write us with a comment or an idea. You may e-mail or write us at our address below. We also consider education a big part of what we do so if you have a question feel free to write or e-mail us and we will have someone respond.

Fraternal Order of Police
Loyal Knights of New York
Lodge 222
P.O. BOX 130153
New York, NY 10013
Contact Lodge 222

Officers of the Lodge List

Raoul Watson  

Charter member of:

New York State FOP
Empire State Lodge, 
911 Police Plaza,
Hicksville, NY 11801
(888) 697-1367

Grand Lodge FOP

701 Marriott Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
(615) 399-0900


For comments regarding this website, contact the Webmaster

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